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Submit your Event

To have your visitor-related event considered for placement on santacruz.org, please complete this form as you would like your information to appear. A photo is also required for event consideration. Please see below for photo size requirements and submission details.

Need help submitting your information?  Click here for easy, step-by-step instructions!  If you need additional assistance, contact Visit Santa Cruz County.

While VSCC does not charge for event listings, events must be open to the general public and must not fall into either a fundraiser or benefits category and can be of interest to visitors planning a vacation to Santa Cruz County. This program is available to organizations and events located within Santa Cruz County. Please allow three (3) weeks for processing. Submitting this completed form does not guarantee inclusion in the Traveler’s Guide or on the VSCC website.

If you would like more information on how to gain greater exposure for your event, please contact the VSCC’s Director of Sales and Travel Trade at 831-429-7281 ext. 102 or by Email.

Thank You For Your Interest

Thank you for submitting your event listing information to Visit Santa Cruz County. Unfortunately, your event does not meet our submission criteria. In addition to photo size requirements, events must be open to the general public and be of interest to visitors planning a vacation to Santa Cruz County. If you feel your event meets this criteria, please contact Visit Santa Cruz County.

Event Title


Event Description


EVENT IMAGE(required)

  • A photo MUST be included with your listing. If submitting a photo, it must be sent as a .jpg file at a MINIMUM of 72dpi. We prefer a higher resolution if possible. Size MUST be EXACTLY 640 x 480 pixels and horizontal (landscape orientation). VSCC may crop your photo for better viewing online. We recommend clear, simple images. Please upload your photo below. If you cannot for some reason upload the photo, you can email the photo to photos@santacruz.org and reference the event name listed on this application.
  • Please do not include characters in your file name other than letters, numbers and dashes (-) or underscores (_).
  • While VSCC does not charge for event listings, events must be open to the general public and be of interest to visitors planning a vacation to Santa Cruz County. This program is available to organizations and events located within Santa Cruz County. Please allow two weeks for processing. Submitting this completed form does not guarantee inclusion in the Traveler's Guide nor on the VSCC website.
  • VSCC reserves the right to edit for style, length and consistency. Photos and listing information may be used to promote Santa Cruz County on other qualified websites.
  • VSCC limits liability for any errors to the cost of the actual space occupied by the error. All ads are subject to approval by VSCC. By placing an advertisement, the advertiser represents that they have authorization for use of materials and artwork supplied for the advertisement. In addition, the advertiser confirms that the information provided to VSCC, which will appear in their ad or listing is accurate and assumes all responsibility for its content. VSCC will not be liable for any loss or liability resulting from the use of unauthorized materials, misrepresentation or inaccuracies on the part of the advertiser.

When uploading an image, please make sure your image file is less than 2MB. If you upload an image larger than 2MB your event submission may cause further delay in approval. If you have any questions please contact us at mailto:jday@santacruz.org.

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Event Categories

Please Choose up to 3 Categories

Venue Details(required)

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Public Details

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Event Website

Event Details

*The event contact details provided here are for VSCC internal purposes only. This information is not public on your event listing.

Additional Fields

Event Cost

Leave blank to hide the field. Enter a 0 for events that are free.